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SJI Prefectorial Board

Chiakaitiak's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Chiakaitiak's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

But the fact is, a pair of running shoes is meant for running purposes. It's their own perception that, "when they wear white shoes, it means they are normal and dull." Yes, indeed it may seem as though that we stand out if we were to wear plain white shoes to school, but I don't think it is fair to those who require sport shoes (badly) for their CCAs and other recreational activities happening in SJI.

1 point

Yes, certainly, there are limits to freedom. However, I would like to add on. Sport shoes are indeed indirectly causing a 'financial gap' to those who can afford them, from those who can't afford them. However, sport shoes are proven to be the best pair of shoes for running activities.

In SJI, there are running activities, such as our PE lessons which is held twice weekly. With the fact that sport shoes are proven to be the best pair of shoes for running activities, it could thus decrease the chances of students getting injured during these activities. Now my question is, is it worth it for a student to get injured, just plainly because of the 'financial gap', as mentioned above?

In addition, there are CCAs that comprises lots of running (like the Track & Field, for example). Sport shoes can help the students in the CCA by improving their running time and speed. If students are not allowed to wear them (be it within the campus, or outside), how can these students gauge themselves and gain confidence for any competitions? Are they going to lose faith in attaining victory and pride for our dear Alma Mater?

0 points

Students, definitely, have the liberty and rights to wear them, however, only during school curriculum hours. They are disallowed to wear them only when they are going to and from school, as it might ruin the school's reputation.

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