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RSS Zuzivian

Reward Points:6
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

As a lasallian school, the value of community and the vision of students becoming 'Men for Others' clearly shows us that the last, lost and least must be taken into consideration with each decision we make, each action we take, each word we speak. Wearing a different coloured sports shoe from my neighbour may bring across the message that I stand out from the rest and those who choose to wear simple shoes to be 'normal' and 'dull'. I don't think that it is right that we should exclude others over what is superficial. Rather, uniformity will give all students a sense of belonging and togetherness. We are brothers to each other, and it is good that small issues like shoes do not stand in the way of friendships and the general spirit and culture of the school.

1 point

Isn't it hypocrisy to say that one should wear white shoes in public in public for the sake of image but is able wear coloured shoes within the privacy of the school compound, simply because they have 'rights' and liberties'? There are limits to freedom.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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